The Shaukeens is an upcoming Bollywood comedy film directed by Abhishek Sharma. The film features the trio of Annu Kapoor, Piyush Mishra and Anupam Kher in lead roles alongside Lisa Haydon and Akshay Kumar.
The project will be a remake of the 1982 film Shaukeen directed by Basu Chatterjee, starring Ashok Kumar, Utpal Dutt, A. K. Hangal, Rati Agnihotri and Mithun Chakraborty. The remake is expected to release on 21 November 2014.Over 60 per cent of the film was shot in Mauritius.
Directed by: Abhishek Sharma
Produced by: Ashvini Yardi
Murad Khetani
CAST: Akshay Kumar
Lisa Haydon
Annu Kapoor
Piyush Mishra
Anupam Kher
Keseena Chengadu
Nicklas Wolff
Johnny Witt
Production company :
Cape of Good Films
Release date :
November 21, 2014
Country :India
Language: Hindi